Oficina de Matemática

Teacher Responsible:
2º Ano | 2º Semestre
Learning objectives
Identify areas/domaines of priority intervention in teaching of Mathematics in basic education Conceive pedagogical strategies in order to promote the learning of Mathematics in its diverse domaines Built pedagogical recources to support logical-mathematical learnings Evaluate pedagogical intervention proposals in the field of Mathematical Education

1. Mathematical competence - foundations and current perspectives 2. the role of the teacher/educator in promoting mathematical competence 3. Construction and development of resources and activities to support mathematical learning 4. Evaluation of proposals to promote mathematical competence

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

Strategies and resources in use: debate, document analysis, individual work, group work. Description: debates are used to promote the sharing of practice seen as the starting point to built spaces for reflection on emergent themes and reflection on those practices. Working from learning difficulties or diagnosed difficulties, different pedagogical strategies to allow the development of mathematical competence will be explored, supported by contributes from research and respecting legal/normative orientations. Evaluation and weighting: individual work (100%). Description: students are invited to built a pedagogical intervention for a specific case/mathematical domaine: the proposal should include a theoretical and methodological justification in its conception, the description of intervention strategies and evaluation strategies of the impact of the intervention.

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

BOLIVAR, A.(2012). Melhorar os processos e os resultados educativos. O que nos ensina a investigação. V. N. Gaia: Fundação Manuel Leao. ISBN: 978-989-8151-29-2 LIMA, J.A. (2008). Em busca da boa escola. Instituições eficazes e sucesso educativo. V. N. Gaia: Fundação Manuel Leao. ISBN 978-989-8151-04-9 ME- DGIDC. (2013). Programa e metas curriculares: matemática: ensino básico [Em linha]. Disponível em http://dge.mec.pt/metascurriculares/index.php?s=directorio&pid=17. MINISTERIO DA EDUCACAO (1997). Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-escolar. Lisboa: ME. ISBN 978-972-742-240-1 NOGUEIRA, I. (2009). A aula de Matemática como espaço promotor de autonomia in Saber & Educar, no 14, ISSN 1647-2144, disponível em http://repositorio.esepf.pt/handle/10000/326. RICO, L., LUPIANEZ, J.L., MOLINA, M.(Eds)(2013). Analisis Didactico en Educacion Matematica. Granada: Comares Editorial. ISBN 978-84-9045-082-6