Prática de Ensino Supervisionada em 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico I

Teacher Responsible: Daniela Alexandra Ramos Gonçalves
2º Ano | 1º Semestre
Learning objectives
Characterize the 1st cycle of Basic Education educational institution through the autonomy, administration and management regime documents analysis and act accordingly; Recognize the articulation and sequential order in education; Compare educational contexts from the implications of teaching on 1st cycle of Basic Education (B.E.); Observe, plan, implement and evaluate educational intervention, taking into account a differentiated pedagogy, managing resources and organizing the educational environment according to principles of active and participative learning; Reflect in order to adapt and reshape the educational action; Identify the specificity of the educational environment organization of the 1st cycle of B.E.; Use of registration documentation and evaluation of the teaching/learning process techniques and instruments; Describe the specific characteristics of the students in the 1st cycle of Basic Education teaching/learning process; Relate public theories and educational practics

1-Autonomy, management and administration instruments of educational institutions; 2-Legal framework for the teaching profession exercise; 3-Planning, implementation and evaluation of educational intervention; 4-Professional performance profile of basic education Teachers; 5-Educational activity reflection, questioning and investigation; 6-Teaching professional skills and school success promotion; 7-Curricular adaptation for students with SEN; 8-Design projects/training/action inherent to the educational practice.

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

nternship in of 1st cycle of basic education class co-teaching. Observation, knowledge and identification of the group, involved in a planned, organized and evaluated intervention, promoting pedagogical experiences of active, significant, diverse and socializing learning experiences. In seminars, the issues help to contextualize and consolidating educational intervention, reflecting both individually and in group. In tutorial orientation, reflect with the supervisor about their performance evolution of and support for the report realization of with the Supervisor. The assessment includes: (internship 70% x + report X 30 percent) /100 where: Internship classification = (Supervisor ESEPF x 60 + Cooperative supervisor X 40)/100 Research report classification- under the scientific guidance of a doctor and/or a specialist, specific themes will arise from issues emanating from the pedagogical practice supervised and/or coordinated with research projects/areas of research interest.

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

Beaudoin, N. 2013.Una Escuela para cada Estudiante.Madrid:Narcea Day, C. Gu, Q. 2012.Professores:Vidas Nuevas,Verdades Antiguas.Madrid:Narcea Guathier et al. 2004.Interventions pédagogiques efficaces et réussite scolaire des élèves provenant de milieux défavorisés. Université Laval-Québec. Gonçalves, D.Víton António,M. J. 2014.Práctica docente en la enseãnza universitaria,reflexión de saberes y aprendizaje transformativo,1141 - 1154.Madrid: SEECI Gouveia J,Craveiro C,Silva,B,Santos,C,Brandão,I & Martins,M.2014Competências transversais de professores de 1.ºCEB. Disponível: Roegiers, X., De Ketele, J. 2004.Uma pedagogia da integração: competências e aquisições no ensino.Porto Alegre:Artmed. Roldão, M. C.2009.Estratégias de ensino:o saber e o agir do professor.VNG: F.Manule Leão. Vieira, F. 2014.Re-Conhecendo e Trasnformando a Pedagogia:histórias de superVisão.Sto. Tirso:De Facto.