Ciências Naturais, Cultura e Desenvolvimento Sustentável

Teacher Responsible: Vítor Patrício Rodrigues Ribeiro
2º Ano | 1º Semestre
Learning objectives
Understanding the basics of sustainability. Critically analyze the development and understand society challenges from a perspective of preservationof natural and cultural heritage. Understand the importance of promoting values, changing attitudes and behaviors in order to prepare students for a conscious, dynamic and informed citizenship in what concerns current issues. Use theoretical models to frame a pedagogical practice that promotes intergenerational equity, based on a model of sustainable development. Draw upon experience and daily children situations to be aware of the planet sustainability need. Step-up interdisciplinary teaching practices in order to bring science closer to society. Position oneself in a globalizing practice and reinforce the transversal nature of citizenship education in the early education of children and youth.

1 Sustainable development - an interdisciplinary perspective 2 Environment and Society - practices and challenges 3 Cultural heritage and sustainability 4. Territory, natural resources and climate change 5. Geographic Interaction and sustainable development

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

Analysis and discussion of previously selected scientific articles related to various dimensions of education for sustainability and citizenship. Presentations of a theoretical support for the proposal of structured activities, within an interdisciplinary approach. Students are individually assessed according to class participation (25%) and the completion and submission of na interdisciplinary group work (75%).

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

BRITO JUNIOR, S.A. (2010). Desenvolvimento sustentável: o caso de Portugal: ambiente e recursos. Lisboa: INE. ISBN 9789892500430 BUTT, G. (2011). Geography, education and the future. Londres: Continuum. ISBN 1847064973 DREXHAGE, J. e MURPHY, D. (2010). Sustainable development: From Brundtland to Rio 2012. Nova Iorque: IISD/ONU GABRIEL, R. et al. (2010). Abordagens do ambiente em contexto educativo. Cascais: Principia. ISBN 9789897160455 HERNANDEZ, G.M et al. (2005). La memoria construida. Patrimonio cultural y modernidad. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch ISBN 13:9788484564454 MARTINS, G. d'O. (2009). Património, Herança e Memoria. A cultura como criação. Lisboa: Gradiva. ISBN 9789726163051 PURVIS, M., & GRAINGER, A. (2013) Exploring sustainable development: Geographical perspectives. Londres: Routledge. ISBN 1853834726 RIBEIRO, V. (2014). Exclusão social em fenómeno invisível, uma abordagem no âmbito da Geografia dos Transportes. Loule: silabas e Desafios. ISBN 9789899812291