Metodologias de Intervenção Educativa em Educação de Infância e 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico

Teacher Responsible: Daniela Alexandra Ramos Gonçalves
1º Ano | 2º Semestre
Learning objectives
Understand curricular management and organization in educational institutions Carahcterize main presuppositions of the pedagogical relation, recognising the role of each participant Identify forms of organising space, groups and time that promote learning Implement interventions that include different curricular areas Know how to plan to different levels of curricular intervention Analyze different educational situations highlighting its inetrdisciplinary dimension Justify theoretical and methodological options in educational intervention Built observation, planification and evaluation instruments Demonstrate knowledge on different methodologies Demonstrate knowledges on the importance of meaningful, diverse, integrated and socializing learnings Identify the sequence of children's competences development processes

1. Curricular organization and management for Pre-School Education and 1st Cycle of Basic Education 1.1. Legal Norms 2. The profile of kindergarten teachers and teachers of the 1st cycle of Basic Education 2.1. teacher's profession and educational intentionality 3. Foudations of educational practices 3.1. Constructivism in educational practices 3.2. Learning and Teaching by objectives and competences 3.3. Pedagogical methods and strategies 4. From foudantions to pedagogical strategies 4.1. From planification to learning situations 4.2. Evaluation modality 4.3. Evaluation instruments

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

Diverse methodologies were chosen in order to provide students with the ability to research, analyze and aplly meaningful information, reflect and transmite knowledge whether individually or in a group. Students are expected to have an active and cticial role and develop autonomy in work and research. In theoretical sessions teachers expose concepts using practical cases and demonstrations promoting an ongoing debate between groups of students. In theoretical- practical sessions students present a specific theme from the group work they have made in the autonomous work time. In these sessions practical cases from the placement experiences are presented and discussed. Alongside these moments students have the opportunity to learn with professionals during seminars the drawing of a personalised training path in tutorial orientation sesseiosn. Written test: 60% Group work: 40%

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

BARREIRA, A.; MOREIRA, M. (2004): Pedagogia das Competências, da teoria à prática. Porto: Asa Editores, S.A.ISBN 972-41-3999-9 CARDOSO, J.R. (2013). O Professor do Futuro. Lisboa: Guerra e Paz. ISBN: 978-989-702-080-3 HELM, J.H; KATZ, L. (2011). Young Investigators. Washington: NAEYC ISBN: 978-0-8077-5153-4 OLIVEIRA-FORMOSINHO, J. (Org.) (2007): Modelos Curriculares para a Educação de Infância. Porto: Porto Editora. 3a edição actualizada.ISBN 978-972-0-01345-3 SIRAJ-BLATCHFORD, I. (2004): Manual de desenvolvimento curricular para a Educação de Infância. Lisboa. Texto Editora.ISBN 972-47-2471-9 PIRES, C. (2014). Escola a Tempo Inteiro.Santo Tirso: De Facto. ISBN: 978-989-8557-47-6 VASCONCELOS, T. (coord.) (2012),Trabalho por projetos na Educação de Infância: Mapear Aprendizagens, integrar metodologias, Lisboa, Ministério da Educação e Ciência. ZABALA, A.; ARNAU, L. (2010): Como Aprender e ensinar competências. Porto Alegre: Artmed.ISBN 978-85-363-2171-4