Didática da Matemática para Contexto Pré-Escolar

Teacher Responsible: Rui João Teles da Silva Ramalho
1º Ano | 2º Semestre
Learning objectives
Apply correct vocabulary in discribing situations Critically sustain options Recognise the role of Didactics of mathematics in learning and teaching mathematics Caracterise theoretical and methodological frameworks of research in Didactics of Mathematics Know specificities of logical-mathematical learnings in kindergarten settings Identify specific didatic approaches to each mathematics theme Draw adequate strategies to explore mathematics in kindergarten contexts Explore ICT apllied to Mathemactis in kindergarten settings Explain pedagogical implications from Didactics of Mathematics to kindergarten settings Identify main themes for research in didactics of mathematics Produce papers with research orientation guided to explore Mathematics in kindergarten settings

Mathematics in kindergarten settings: why, how and for what? Didatical approaches focused on/directed to: -(Pre) numerical learnings -First operatory experiences -Sspatial organisation -Time structures -Introduction to magnitude and measurement -Organisation and representation of information Research perspectives in Didactics of Mathematics in Pre-School Education

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

Strategies and resources: theoretical lessons, document analysis, individual work, group work, problem solving Evaluation strategies and weight: individual portfolio (100%) A portfolio allows the documentation of the learning process by it's author throughout the process and should include a reflection on the developments experienced and of future challenges. Therefore, by making an individual portfolio that facilitates self evaluation and other's evaluation, students are able to understand in time processes and results from learning, stimulating individual creativity processes and conceptual enrichment achieved by multiple sources of knowledge.

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

CHAMORRO, M.C. (Coord.)(2005). Didáctica de las Matemáticas para Educacion Infantil. Madrid: Pearson Educación. ISBN 978-842-054-807-4 DGIDC (2010). Metas de Aprendizagem. disponível em http://www.slideshare.net/gfvs/as-metas-1. GODINO, J. D. (Dir)(2004). Didática de las Matemáticas para Maestros. Departamento de Didáctica de las Matemáticas: Universidad de Granada. ISBN 84-933517-1-7 MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO (1997). Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-Escolar. Lisboa: ME. ISBN 978-972-742-240-1 NCTM (2007). Princípios e Normas para a Matemática Escolar. Lisboa: APM. ISBN 978-972-8768-24-9 NOGUEIRA, I.C.(2004). A aprendizagem da matemática e o jogo in Saber & Educar, nº 9, ESEPF. ISSN 0873-3600 RICO, L., LUPIÁÑEZ, J.L., MOLINA, M.(Eds)(2013). Análisis Didáctico en Educación Matemática. Granada: Comares Editorial. ISBN 978-84-9045-082-6 TUCKER, K. (2014). Mathematics through play in the early years. London: Sage Publications. ISBN 978-1- 44626-977-0