Expressões Artísticas em Projetos Educativos

Teacher Responsible: Irene Zuzarte Cortesão Melo da Costa
2º Ano | 1º Semestre
Learning objectives
-Mobilize technical and theoretical principles of artistic expressions in Preschool Education contexts; -Mobilize technical and theoretical principles of art education (in its different expressions) as an instrument for enriching the educational intervention within the context of educational projects. -Articulate intervention in educational projects and Arts Education by planning activities contextualized in Preschool education contexts, actively contributing to the artistic enrichment of the projects in which the student is involved. -Valuing interdisciplinary artistic expressions in interventions in Preschool Education contexts, underlining and highlighting the specificities of each of the expressions and their articulation. -Plan and evaluate their intervention in what concerns different expressions in the context of the professional internship.

1. Arts Education as an instrument of educational intervention at Preschool Education level: 1.1. The development of soft skills through arts education 1.2. The development of specific skills in different artistic areas. 2. Principios technical and artistic principles of different artistic fields: 2.1. The contribution of artistic expressions in the enrichment of the intervention in the context of projects methodology

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

Students will be invited to articulate theoretical and technical content (of artistic education) worked in the classroom, with the experience of the Project Approach in the context of their internship in Pre-school Education. They should thus be able to contextualize their educational intervention Project Approach, through the mobilization of the worked artistic contents. The students should make a constant critical reflection on its intervention (formative assessment) adapting it to educational reality in which they are to intervene (through large group presentations and discussion's and a final report for the presentation and evaluation of their project). Assessment: individual work (30%) and group work (70%)

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

Anderson, Susan; Walch, Nancy; Becker, Kate, (2004). The Power of Art, The Arts as an Effective Intervention Strategy for at-risk Youth, Los Angeles: California Endowment for the Arts, Downloadable PDF from The California Endowment for the Arts website: http://www.calendow.orgDownload 17 julho 2012 Gardner, H., (1999). Educacion Artistica e Desarrollo Humano, Barcelona: Paidos ISBN 84-493-0023-1 Cortesao, I., Pequito, P. (2007). ". . . e aprendemos muitas coisas novas! . . . " Projectos simples . . . complexas aprendizagens. Cadernos de Estudo, vol 6, 105-126. Cortesao, I., Neves, I., & Pequito, P. (2014). Problematizar a metodologia de projeto articulando e avaliando aprendizagens. ATAS VI Encontro CIED Hernandez , F. et al (org.) (2013). Contemporneity on Arts Education/Contemporaneidade na Educação Artística, Educação Sociedade e Culturas, Porto: CIIE/Edições Afrontamento. ISBN 0872-7643