Escola Inclusiva: Aprendizagens e Comportamentos

Teacher Responsible: Júlio Emílio Pereira de Sousa
1º Ano | 2º Semestre
Learning objectives
Identify main premisses of the Basic Law of the Education System (Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo) and of specific Special Education Needs legislation Explain the importance of different observation and evaluation models for specific school populations Identify protective factors of development and risk behaviours Know techniques and instruments that allow identification, caracterization, planification, intervention and evaluation of students with: intelectual and developmental disabilities, motor and sensorial problems, learning and emotional problems, and gifted children Adjust educational practices within contexts, in order to provide an anwser to identified needs Master different strategies to promote family involvment and capacitation Recognise the importance of teamwork

1- Inclusion principles and legal orientations 2-Study of the ethiology and prevalence of different situations that determine special educational needs: intelectual and developmental disabilities, motor, sensorial problems; learning and behavioural problems, gifted children 2.1. Needs and caractheristics of these students 3- Emotional wellbeing versus emotional disturbance 3.1. Trauma and emotional suffering 3.2. Emotional illiteracy. Emotional unexpressiveness and repercussions in academic performance 4- Pedagogical implications and legal norms for direct intervention with pupils, classroom organisation and school 5- Transdisciplinarity of knowledge and practice with special educational needs children 6- Family as an essential element of the school journey 7- Educating resilience. Adversity, frustration, risk education and promotion of resilient behaviour in educational settings 8 - Team work as a factor of differentiation and success in educational interventions

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

By working with active methodologies students are challenged to activelly particpate in their knowledge building, through group work and individually. After brief explanations to raise awareness for global themes students are invited to mobilise their own knowledge, to research and observe practical cases. In adition, and with the support of the tutor, each group studies a specific theme to present to the classroom. A debate is produced by peer groups and the teacher in order to allow ideas and knowledge building to students. From this part a reflexive synthesis is written for all the themes, with a 40% weight of the evaluation. The individual work focus on case studies (preferably emergent from students professional practice) particularly on intervention adaptations, with a weight of 60%. 40% - group work with oral presentation 60% - individual written paper with oral presentation

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

AINSCOW, M. (2000). Necessidades especiais na sala de aula, Lisboa, Instituto de Inovação Educacional, Edições Unesco. ISBN: 1853022632. CORREIA, L. (2003). Educação Especial e Inclusão - Quem disser que uma sobrevive sem a outra não está no seu perfeito juízo. Porto, Porto editora. ISBN: 972-0-34513-6. FERNANDES, H. S. (2002). Educação especial: integração das crianças e adaptação das estruturas de educação: estudo de um caso, Braga, APPACDM Distrital de Braga. ISBN 972-8699-19-0. FLEMING, M. (2003). Dor sem nome: pensar o sofrimento. Porto: Afrontamento. ISBN: 9723606593 KIRK, S. A; GALLAGHER, J. J. (2002) Educação da criança excepcional. 3a ed. Sao Paulo: Martins Fontes. XIV, 502 p. ISBN 85-336-0015-X. RUPPERT, F. (2008). Trauma, Bonding and Family Constellations. Frome: Green Balloon Publishing. ISBN: 9780955968303 SNYDER, C.R. & LOPEZ, S. J. (2009). Psicologia Positiva: uma abordagem científica e prática das qualidades humanas. Porto Alegre: Artmed. ISBN: 9788536316567