Linguagem e Literacia Emergente

Teacher Responsible: Maria Cristina Vieira da Silva
1º Ano | 2º Semestre
Learning objectives
1. Know theoretical and curricular orientations for pre-school education in matters of language consciousness and emergent literacy; 2. Reflect upon these orientations and on the ways through which pre-school children appopriate written language, alongside promoting lingusitic consciousness and language knowledge, recognising the need and relevance of a reflexive and critical attitude; 3. Operacionalize, in an informed way, acquired knowledge and reflection capacity in promoting pedagogical practices that enable conceptions on written language directed to children in pre-school ages.

1. Emergent literacy in Orientacoes Curriculares (Curricular Orientations) and learning goals for pre-school education; 2. Oral language versus written language; 2.1. Distinctions and essential relations 2.2. Written language: a brief phylogenetic characterisation of the writting systems and correspondences of ontogenesis 3. The emergence of written language. 3.1. Early conceptions about written language 3.1.1. Functionality and formal characteristics of wrintten language 3.1.2. Figurative aspects, characteristics and conventions of written language 3.1.3. Conceptual aspects of written language: Writting before learning how to write: pre-syllabic writting, syllabic and writting and writiting with fonetics; Reading before knowing how to read: iconic reading of the written text: the name hypothesis and the linguistic treatment of the written message. 4. Contexts, strategies and activities that increase the development of conceptions on written language in pre-school

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

Theoretical presentation, document analysis, individual and group work will be used. Contact hours aim creating a guiding conceptual framework for activities and resources to discover written language. Theoretical presentations on the contents of the curricular unit and simulating knowledge applied to contexts of pre-school education will also be used. In theoretical-practical classes and of Tutorial orientation students participation is built through work proposals to be developed during autonomous work time from students. These proposals are then brought into the classroom for group discussion and correction. Continuous evaluation also includes, alongside formative evaluation items, the following summative elements: one written test: 60% and a group work, 40%.

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

CURTO, L. M. et al. (2000). Escribir y Leer: Materiales Curriculares para la Ensenanza, y el Aprendizaje del Lenguaje Escrito, de tres a ocho anos, Vol. I, II e III. Barcelona:Edelvives, Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia. ISBN:8426332072. FERREIRO, E. & A. TEBEROSKY (1986) Psicogenese da Lingua Escrita, Porto Alegre: Artes Medicas. ISBN: 9788573075724. MARTINS, M.A. & NISA, I. (1998). Psicologia da aprendizagem da linguagem escrita. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta. ISBN:9726742374. SILVA, I. L. (coord.) (2016). Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-Escolar. Lisboa: Ministério da Educação. SIM-SIM, I. et al. (2008). Linguagem e Comunicação no Jardim-de-infância. Lisboa: DGIDC. ISBN: 9789727422883. VIANA, F. L. & I. RIBEIRO (coord.) (2014). Falar, Ler e Escrever. Propostas integradoras para jardim de infância. Lisboa: Santillana. ISBN: 9789897086304. VIANA, F. L. (2001) Melhor Falar para Melhor Ler. Braga: Instituto de Estudos da Criança da Universidade do Minho. ISBN: 9729875707.