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Perspetivas Contemporâneas de Exclusão Social

Teacher Responsible: Florbela Maria da Silva Samagaio Gandra
1º Ano | 2º Semestre
Learning objectives
1.To know the main theories of social exclusion; 2.To recognise the phenomenon of exclusion as a multidimensional and dynamic; 3.To problematize the notions of exclusion vs. inclusion and its relations with the community; 4.To understand the notion of exclusion and the concepts of discrimination, inequality, ethnocentrism, racism and xenophobia; 5.To identify factors and causes of multiple situations of exclusion; 6.To conceive strategies of intervention related to multi-problematic situations of poverty and exclusion.

1.About social exlusion 2.Historic modalities of exclusion; 3.The contemporary use of the notion of social exclusion; 3.1Critical analysis of the exclusion category; 3.2Approaches to the forms and processes of social exclusion 4.Inequality and exclusion 5.Ethnocentrism and discrimination 6.Racism and xenophobia. 7.Exclusions: 7.1 economical 7.2social 7.3symbolical 7.4 territorial 7.5institutional 7.6Drugs problem: 7.7regarding habitation 7.8regarding health 7.9regarding work 8.From exclusion to social inclusion: problematics and some devices to a participative social policy. Examples. 8.1Plano Nacional para a Inclusão (PNAI) [National Plan for Inclusion] 8.2Plano Nacional de Emprego (PNE) [National Employment Plan] 8.3Rendimento social de inserção (RSI) [Social Insertion Income] 8.4Plano Nacional de Luta Contra a Droga [National Plan to Fight against Drugs]

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

Exposition Debate Document analysis Individual work Description: The moments of expositive nature will constitute start points for the creation of spaces of analysis and posterior reflection about the thematics/subjects exposed , either individually or in larger groups. Method of evaluation and respective ponderation: one moment of avaluation - a final essay where students must present an integrative synthesis about taught subjects.

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

CASTEL,R. (2005). A insegurança social;o que é ser protegido?Rio de JaneiroVozesISBN:8532631096 COSTA, A.B (coord)(2008). Um olhar sobre a pobreza vulnerabilidade e Exclusão Social no Portugal Contemporâneo. Lisboa. Gradiva Fitoussi, J-P. & Rosanvallon, P. (1999). A Nova Era das Desigualdades. Lisboa: Celta Editora SAMAGAIO, F. (2014). Ser Cidadão: a participação da criança na investigação sociológica como como um momento iniciático na construção da cidadania. In Sarmento, Manuel Jacinto et al. (Eds. ). Direitos da Criança: Realidades e Desafios do Caso Português. Universidade do Minho. IE. C.I. em Estudos da Criança. ISBN: 978-9728952-32-7. Wieviorka, M. (2007). O Racismo, uma Introdução. São Paulo: Editora Perspectiva. CAPUCHA, L. (2005). Desafios da Pobreza. Lisboa: Celta Editora Arts, W., Gelissen, J. (2006). Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism or More? A State-of-the-Art Report. In C. Pierson & F. G. Castles (eds.). The Welfare State Reader. Cambridge: Polity Press. 175-197.