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Políticas Sociais

Teacher Responsible: Florbela Maria da Silva Samagaio Gandra
1º Ano | 1º Semestre
Learning objectives
Recognizes and explains the Portuguese situation Recognizes the existence of the theory and/or ideological conflict on conception and implementation of social policies Identifies models of social policies Understands the ways of structuring of social policies Makes a relation between local, national and global levels of planning and intervening Distinguishes case-by-case measures from structured social policies Apprehends stages of structuration of a social policy Identifies impacts of social policies in the possibilities for community intervention

1. Analysis of statistic indicators and qualitative studies 2. Obstacles on thinking on and about the "social" - Individualism/naturalism/essentialism/inatism 3. Structuration of a social policy - Stages - Theoretical, methodological and technical procedures 4. Some principles on social policy - diagnosis - networking and partnership - subsidiarity - participation 5. Social Policies in Portugal: evaluation and identification on needed actions

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

Group work in the classroom from tehoretical essays, newspapers analysis and other documental pieces can be brought by students; analysis of statistical data to get to know the current portuguese situation; a permanent enchange bewteen theoretical and historical references and lived experiences from students. debates around main themes of socil policy. Students can choose two kinds of evaluation: an essay from a particular theme or an analysis of statistical data on social conditions of a particular territory in order to elaborate social policy proposals. Evaluation criteria: llarity and adequate contents (60%), authors readings (20%) and critical perspectives (20%).

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

AIRES, Sérgio (Coord.), Fenómenos, Actores e Práticas nos Domínios da Pobreza e da Exclusão Social Extrema, Porto, Rede Europeia Anti-Pobreza, 2005, 978-989-9548-732 . CASTEL, Robert - As metamorfoses da questão social : uma crônica do salário . 9ª ed. Philadelphia : Vozes, 2010,85-326-1954-1 ESTANQUE, Elísio e MENDES, José Manuel, Classes e Desigualdades Sociais em Portugal, Porto, Afrontamento, 1998, 972-36-0440-X . ESTIVILL, Jordi e AIRES, Sérgio, Regresso ao Futuro, Porto, Rede Europeia Anti-Pobreza, 2007 (on-line). Rodrigues, Maria de Lurdes, Adão e Silva, Pedro (org.) Políticas Públicas em Portugal. Lisboa: ISCTE, ISBN 9789722721318 SARMENTO, M, FERNANDES, N, TREVISAN, G (2015). A redefinição das condições estruturais da infãncia e a crise económica em Portugal. in Diogo, F, Castro, A, Perista, P (2014). Pobreza e Exclusão Social em Portugal. Lisboa: Húmus VIEGAS, José Manuel Leite e COSTA, António Firmino da, Portugal, que Modernidade?, Oeiras, Celta, 1998, 972-8027-90-7