Modelos de Avaliação e Intervenção nas Perturbações Motoras

Teacher Responsible:
1º Ano | 2º Semestre
Learning objectives
-To master the neurophysiological disturbance dynamics with different standards of achievement. -Identify possible geneses of difficulties in relation to the spontaneous writing in serious motor disabilities. -Draw up intervention plans covering the intrinsic knowledge of the language. -To know the various specific forms of physical movement encouraging the elimination of architectural barriers. -Cooperate with the teacher/educator in order to adjust performance and exploitation of the in children. -Share specific neuromotor techniques and rehabilitation of verbal communication with paramedics. -To promote activities that develop the psychosocial inclusion of the severe motor disabled.

Specification of profiles of impaired functionality taking into account the different levels of the lesion, the neuroaxis affected and neuromuscular disorder categories: cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy and brain traumatic sequelae. Explanation of the problems associated with motor impairment: cognitive aspects in general, learning of school contents in particular and the possibilities of verbal oral communication or others. Development of a profile of linguistic achievement in its dimensions and processes, for children with speech possibilities. Perspectives and updating of technological innovations that facilitate autonomy, learning and communication. Creation of school achievement profiles and programming of intervention processes. Recreation of strategies that promote the school commitment with the social participation and inclusion of the child in school and in the society.

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

Basic content exposure linked to the dynamics of the central nervous system and their linkages with the global and specific kinetics, as a means of access to the understanding of the object of study topics on disabilities. Direct observation and experience sharing with different expressions of neuromotor deficiency, through study visits of the spaces where there are students with this kind of pathologies. Evaluation of oral and written (verbal) communication in children with dysarthria. Evaluation: Attendance and Participation (20%). Oral presentation, in group, of the various themes involved in the framework of the motor (80%).

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

Barco, M.C.B.(2007)Reeducacion del habla y del Lenguaje en el paralitico cerebral. Madrid: CEPE. ISBN:9788485252640 Baxter, P.; Rosenbloom , L. (2005). CP or not CP? Dev. Med Child Neuirol, 47:507 Bleck, E., & Nagel, D. (1982). Physically handicapped children, Medical Atlas for Teachers. Orlando: Grune e Stratton.ISBN: 13:9780808913917 Emery, A. H. (1996). Distrofia muscular. Madrid: ASEM. ISBN: 84688-0432-0 González, M. T. (1998). La Paralisis Cerebral Mito y Realidad. Sevilha: Universidad de Sevilla. ISBN: 9788447204328 Gonzalez, M.T. (1994) Fundamentos de Neurologia para Educadores. Sevilla: I.D.E.O. ISBN:84-605-1360-2 Betanzos, J. M. (2011).- Parálisis cerebral en el contexto escolar. Necesidades educativas: del diagnóstico a la intervención. Madrid: Editorial EOS ISBN:9788497273985 Lima, C. (Coord.). (2015) Perturbações do Neurodesenvolvimento. Lisboa: Lidel. ISBN 978-989-752-152-2