Didática das Expressões

Teacher Responsible: Sandra Mónica Figueiredo de Oliveira
3º Ano | 2º Semestre
Learning objectives
Acquire the didactic and methodological knowledge in the teaching of Artistic Education Use the knowledge in the different artistic areas for a correct educational intervention in Basic Education Mobilize the report of artistic materials enabling to emphasize the manipulation and experimenting of situations artistically rich during the work Know and apply the strategies related with the cultural education and esthetics sensitiveness Recognize interdisciplinarity as a way of promoting the cognitive, linguistic, motor and social development of the children they will working with Promote creativity in the learning process Identify the forms of behavior which promote or damage healthy relationship in himself and in the others

Methods to bring art closer to children Knowledge and application of pedagogical presuppositions inherent in teacher performance Organization of space, materials and supports Activity planning. Interdisciplinarity The Importance of Dramatic Expression for the Integral Development of the Child Dynamics of dramatic exploration: dramatic play, object animation, mimicry, voice, construction of action sequences and text Strategies for the Enhancement of Story Time The musical process: Singing, Body Percussion, Instrumental Activity, Movement and Hearing Educational purposes of motor expression. The various types of planning and evaluation.

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

In the classes we use the conjunction of the active and expository method, resorting to several strategies namely: content exposition, debates, visualization and discussion of works on didactics of artistic expressions. Assessment: The students will prepare a theoretical-practical work in a group, based on interdisciplinarity between the different artistic areas (100%)

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

BAÑUELOS, F (1989) Bases para una Didáctica de la Educación Física y el Deporte. Gymnos Editorial. Madrid. ISBN84-85945- 31-X BARRET, M (1998) Educação em Arte, Col., Dimensões, Lisboa, ISBN: 978-972-742-240-1 BEJA, F et al (2002) Jogos e Projetos de Expressão Dramática. Porto, Porto Editora ISBN: 978-972-0-01374 BELVER, M (2000) Educación artística y arte infantil, Madrid: ed. Fundamentos, ISBN 84-245-0822-X CRUZ, S; CARVALHO, L D ed al (1998) Manual de Educação física:1º ciclo do E B, Lisboa, Ed Gab Coord. Desp Esc ISBN 972- 9145-88-1 GARDNER, H (1999) Educación Artística e Desarrollo Humano, Barcelona, Paidós, ISBN 84-493-0023-1 HERNÁNDEZ, F (2000) Cultura visual, Mudança educativa e Projetos de Trabalho. Porto Alegre: Artmed Editora ISBN:85-7307- 606-2