Arte e Educação

Teacher Responsible: Sandra Mónica Figueiredo de Oliveira
1º Ano | 1º Semestre
Learning objectives
Provide an understanding of the issues related to the creation, knowledge and enjoyment in the arts. Characterize and identify different artistic events in the history of mankind and in the context of society and culture today. Stimulate artistic language as a means of developing artistic literacy. Identify the principles and educational purposes of Art in Education. Understand the importance of different artistic expressions in different socio-educational contexts. Promote an integrated view of art in its relationship with education.Explore ways of relating artistic manifestations with educational practice.

1. Art and Aesthetics 1.1 Artistic knowledge and aesthetic enjoyment; 1.2 Art, Cognition and Culture; 1.3 The importance of Arts in history and contemporaneity; 1.4 Interpretation and understanding of the various artistic manifestations: concepts and terminologies. 2. Artistic Education 2.1 Principles and purposes of artistic expressions in Education; 2.2 Art and Education: approximation of the various artistic manifestations to different age groups; 2.3 Principles of children's artistic representation; 2.4. Artistic education as an intervention tool in different socio-educational contexts; 2.5 A typology of artistic and pedagogical activities to be developed in education.

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

Theoretical practical classes will adopt different pedagogical strategies and resources such as audiovisual media and debates on art, artists and pedagogical experiences. The conjunction of the active and expository method will be used. In the practical classes will be realized several experiences on the art in the education. There are also seminars where students will have contact to artists, educators and other guests who can relate their experiences both in the arts and in the field of artistic education. Fieldwork comes this curricular unit in order to provide a direct contact with art spaces, performances and educational institutions. As for the evaluation, during the semester will be elaborated by the students a theoretical-practical work in group (60%) and an individual reflection (40%). These works will be monitored and supervised by the teacher in tutorial orientations, with processual feedback return.

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

AGUIRRE, I. (2005). Teorias y Prácticas en Educación Artística: ideias para una revisión pragmatista de la experiencia estética. 1ª ed. Barcelona: Octaedro-EUB, Universidad Pública de Navarra. ISBN:84-95075-33-4 FRÓIS, J. P. (Coord.) (2011). Educação Estética e Artística. Abordagens transdisciplinares. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. ISBN: 978-972-31-1385-3 OLIVEIRA M. (2017). A Educação Artística para o desenvolvimento da Cidadania. Atividades integradoras para o 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Viseu: APECV. ISBN: 978-989-99073-0-0 SANTOS, A. (2008). Mediações Arteeducacionais.Lisboa:Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. ISBN: 978-972-31-1234-4