Metodologias de Intervenção Educativa

Teacher Responsible: Maria Paula Pequito de Almeida Sampaio Soares Lopes
2º Ano | 2º Semestre
Learning objectives
Plan the pedagogic interference within Childhood Education and Basic Education Recognize the importance of the formative intentions when planning the pedagogic interferences Recognize the terminology concerning the types of formative intentions Analyze the difference /final target among purposes, competences and learning results Know different method and pedagogic techniques Know how to select methodologies of pedagogic interference due to different contexts in a promotional process of meaningful learning Know how to promote active methodologies Adapt methodologies to project work Identify/characterize the different evaluation intentions Know the most important tendencies of learning evaluation Select evaluation tools according to advantages and limits Analyze advantages and limits of evaluation tools with a constructive meaning

1st and 2nd cycle Of BE 1.Pedagogic Models 2.Pedagogic Methods and techniques Advantages and limits of different pedagogic methods 3.Planning pedagogic interferences The importance of planning in pedagogic system Preparation and evaluation of the pedagogic plans 4. Evaluation Evaluation purposes The importance of defining the evaluation items Strategies and evaluation tools Childhood education 1-The educator´s function in the learning process/ Pedagogic principles 2-Planning the Childhood Education Different perspectives/ Functions Planning routines/Projects Planning in team/ with children 3. Evaluation in Childhood education Systems of group evaluation and child Evaluation of the educational purposes 4. Methods/ interference educative models in Childhood education Some methods of educative interference Constructive didactics and pedagogic tools 5.Interference in Creative Education

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

This curricular unit is structured so that students may build their own knowledge. The subjects will be addressed in small groups, under control and supervision of the teacher, accompanied by exposures, theoretical debates and explanation of practical cases so that the competences to be developed may be procedimental and not just declarative. The methods will be diversified, so that the students can research, analyze and apply meaningful information, think and share contents either individually or in group. The evaluation procedures will be as follows: 2 Written individual works (55% + 45%) creating tools of planning and evaluation or written test.

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

BONA, C. (2017). A nova escola. Lisboa: Penguin Random House. CALVO, H. A. (2016). Viagem à Escola do séc. XXI - Assim trabalhamos colégios mais inovadores do mundo. São Paulo: Fundação Telefonica Vivo. CARDOSO, J. R. (2013). O Professor do Futuro. Lisboa: Gerra e Paz, Editores, S.A. DE VRIES, R. (2004). O currículo construtivista na educação infantil: práticas e actividades. Porto Alegre: Artmed. FOLQUE, M. A., TOMÁS, C., VILARINHO, E., SANTOS, L., FERNANDES-HOMEM, L., & SARMENTO, M. (2016). Pensar a educação de Infância e os seus contextos. Lisboa: Educa. MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO. (2016). Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-Escolar. Lisboa: M.E. OLIVEIRA MARTINS, G. (2017). Perfil dos alunos para o século XXI. Perfil dos alunos à saída da escolaridade obrigatória. Lisboa: Ministério da Educacão. Vasconcelos, T. ( 2011) (coord.). Trabalho por Projectos na Educação de Infância: Mapear Aprendizagens Integrar Metodologias. Lisboa: Ministério da Educação.