Interculturalidade e Cidadania

Teacher Responsible: Luís Miguel Prata Alves Gomes
2º Ano | 2º Semestre
Learning objectives
1. Analyse, question, and defend the undeniable multicultural reality where doubtlessly we have to live 2. Understand and identify the need of a reflectional and critical focus over this universe that is so characterized by a cultural diversity 3. Acquire the capability to assume, present and defend a true intercultural attitude, defending thus the need of an education towards the diversity and Human Rights, education understood as a developer of societies

1. Introduction: The concept of culture 1.1 Cultural diversity 1.2 Culture: A dynamic and constructive process 1.3 Analytics of the current age 2. The multicultural phenomena: Origin, foundations and perspectives 2.1 Historic and Political, economical and socio-cultural factors 2.2 Universality / Plurality 3. Intercultural pedagogic: Amplitude, concepts and objectives 3.1 Politics, models and programs from/in multiculturalism 3.2 Fields of investigation 3.3 Intercultural competences 3.4 Formation of agents since the inter-cultural experience: inter-cultural mediation 4. Human-Rights as an intercultural foundation 5. Education and development

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

Exhibition; Debate; Documents analysis; Individual work; Simulations; Group-work; Practical cases. Active methodologies shall be used by the student in knowledge building. The teacher will work as a facilitator and guide regarding the contents and strategies of the investigations/works. A work that will bring closer the concrete thematic of the program will be performed, joined in by an investigation and discussion from the student/group part. The methodology will be characterized by a strong formative component to supply an appropriation, discussion and renovation of the knowledge that will be acquired and interiorized. Evaluation forms and correspondent meditation: Participation in academic activities (essays, discussions, autonomous work, etc.) - 30%; research work - 45%; presentation and discussion of the research work - 25%)

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

ABDALLAH-PRETCEILLE, Martine (2001): La educación intercultural. Barcelona, Idea Books AGUADO, Teresa (2003): Pedagogía intercultural. Madrid, McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 84-481-3975-5 CORTESÃO, L.; STOER, S. (1999): Levantando a pedra. Da pedagogia inter/multicultural às políticas educativas numa época de transnacionalização. Porto, Ed. Afrontamento. ISBN: 972-36-0499-X SALES, A.; GARCÍA, R. (1997): Programas de educación intercultural. Bilbao, Desclée De Brouwer. ISBN: 84-330-1258-4