Educação Artística e Intervenção Sócio Educativa

Teacher Responsible:
1º Ano | 2º Semestre
Learning objectives
- Understand the important art education role in global individual development. -Use of the various artistic manifestations as a tool for the creativity, innovation, imagination and critical capacity individual development. - Use of the artistic languages to the enhance relations in the various educational contexts. -Developent of skills for an appropriate educational intervention. -Value the Interdisciplinarity as an agglutinating and facilitator tool for the knowledge and skills acquisition.

1.Principles and aims of artistic education. 1.1The importance of artistic education as an instrument for educational intervention. 1.2The role of art in contemporary society. 2 Artistic education and social and educational intervention. 2.1Artistic education as an intervention instrument in different educational contexts 2.2 Socio educational contexts' characterization of their socio cultural and educational dynamics. 3 Conceptualization and implementation of artistic activities in the different socio educational contexts.

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

Strategies and resources: We believe that the critical the development of the teaching and learning process based on the student autonomy as fundamental. Necessarily diverse methodologies (Theoretical contents exposure; debate, documents analysis; individual and group work) aim to provide student the ability to search, analyze and apply significant information, reflect and transmit contents, both individually and in group. With regard to evaluation forms, we opted for an individual work (30%) and a theoretical-practical work performed in group (70%).

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

BAMFORD, Anne (2007). Conferência Nacional de Educação Artística. Porto: Casa da Música. Acedido a 6 de setembro de 2014, disponível online em:,%20Portugues. Conferência Mundial de Educação Artística (2006). Roteiro para a Educação Artística. Desenvolver as Capacidade Criativas para o Século XXI. - Acedido a 6 de setembro 2014, disponível online em: CORTESÃO, I., TREVISAN, G. (2006) O trabalho sócio-educativo em contextos não formais - análise de uma realidad, Cadernos de Estudo, Educação Social. Porto, Centro de Investigação Paula Frassinetti, issn:1645-9377 DELORS, Jacques et al. (1996). EDUCAÇÃO UM TESOURO A DESCOBRIR- Relatório para a UNESCO da Comissão Internacional sobre Educação para o século XXI. Acedido a 6 de setembro de 2014, disponível online em: