Oficina de Teatro e Intervenção Socioeducativa

Teacher Responsible: Margarida Maria da Mota Ferreira Machado
3º Ano | 1º Semestre
Learning objectives
Disclosure of dramatic and fictional literature for youngsters and elders. To be able to produce performative works directed for youngsters and elder. To be able to implement and put together scenic, dance, scenography, roll play and direction of a drama project.

1.The constituting elements of show and the structure of theatrical production 2.Dramatic games and exercises 2.1.The role of improvisation in Theatre: improvising from themes, texts and music 3.Theatre in daily life: 3.1.Scenical characterization of diverse social types 3.2.Performative characterization of juvenile tribes (rural and urban) 4.Diction and voice placement atelier: 4.1.Diafragmatic breathing 4.2.Voice characteristics: intensity, tone and rhytm 4.3.Voice placement and vocal projection technics 4.4.Diction technics applied to text interpretation 5.Staged reading of dramatic literature directed to youngsters and elder 6.Intercultural theatre: music and dramaturgy of the world 7.Movement and drama: physical theatre, movement and dance as theatrical elements 7.1.Viennese Waltz 7.2.Argentine Tango 7.3.Street dance

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

Strategies and resourses: Exposition Debate Document analysis Individual work Group work Project Rehearsal Case study Explanation: Strategies and resourses: Practical classes supported on video and bibliograph, and based on improvisation, workshop, personal training, work in progress, rehearsal and performance. Evaluation: Theoretical work: 20%; Practical work: 80% Description: Staging and play on a text about youngster or elderly 60% (work group) Writing and playing a sketch on western society juvenile groups 20% (work group) Report on a professional theatre play 20% (individual work)

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

BARON, Jeff, Visitas ao Snr. Green. Versão do Teatro experimental do Porto BECKETT, Samuel, 1973 - Dias felizes, Lisboa, Estampa BERKOFF, Steven - Kvetch. Versão da ESMAE FOSSE, Jon - Lilás, Lisboa, Livrinhos de Teatro/ Artistas Unidos, nº19. ISBN-972-8972-o5-9978-972-8972-05-9 Fous de dance-Tango, Buto, Modern dance, Col. Autrement, nº51, série Mutations, Julho de 1983 KANE, Sarah, 2004 - Teatro Completo, Porto, campo das Letras. ISBN-972-610-448-3 LANDAU, Jacob, 1956 - Études sur le Théâtre et le cinéma arabes, Paris, Maisonneuve et Lareuse PYM, Barbara ,1997- Quarteto de Outono, Lisboa, Cotovia, Col. Outono Inverno.ISBN-972-8028-87-3 ROUBINE, Jean-Jacques, 1990 - Théâtre et mise en scène, Paris, Dunod SARTON, May - Prepara-te para a morte e segue-me, Lisboa, Cotovia, Col. Outono Inverno SOLMER, Antonino, (dir), 2003 - Manual de Teatro, Lisboa, Temas e Debates.ISBN-972-759-602-9 STANISLAVSKI, Constantin, 1977 - A Construção da Personagem, Lisboa, Textos para uma cultura popular