Estratégias de Reinserção Social

Teacher Responsible: Paula Cristina Pacheco Medeiros
3º Ano | 1º Semestre
Learning objectives
1. Recognise the relativity of concepts such as norm, deviation and crime, framing them in current social values 2. Identify problematic contexts for intervention, within specific social groups, by recognising social inclusion as an act of citizenship of individuals and groups 3. Mobilise knowledges on institutional practices and social policies on social reintegration from a reflexive and critical perspective 4. Problematize a given social reality, analysing social responses, strategies and practices of reintegration, using a critical and reflexive posture on the role of the social educator

1. Social integration a) norm and deviation - brief conceptual analysis b) processes of vulnerability on contemporary societies 2. the legal and penal system a) penalty versus social reintegration b) liberty versus prison 3. Arenas of Social reintegration a) exclusion, stigma, and reintegration possibilities b) drug addiction - prevention and networking; social reintegration dimensions - family and labour market c) disabled citizens - family and social protection; Protected Employment policies d) mental health - family, health units and community services, hospital treatment e) children and youth at risk - The legal Penal system; educational centres and foster care institutions 4. the social educator in different areas of performance a) in social reintegration b) multidisciplinary teams and networking

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

Classes are organised with theoretical moments and text analysis and discussions and on moments of individual and group work from students. In each class students have access to theoretical synthesis made by the teacher and then discussed with students, from texts or other materials relevant for the class. Students are then invited to debate, discuss, and reflect on proposals, on movies related to the field area, and with group work in each class. In this sense all groups have contact with all programmatic themes. These group works and individual reflections are then part of the evaluation process of acquired competences by students.

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

AGRA, Cândido da (1998), Entre droga e crime, Lisboa, Noticias Editorial.ISBN 978-972-46-1794-7 BANDEIRA, Marina; Ireno, Esther de Matos (2002), "Reinserção Social de Psicóticos: Avaliação Global do grau de assertividade, em situações de fazer e receber critica" in Psicologia: Reflexão e critica, 15(3), 665-675. CARVALHO, Maria Joao Leote (2003), Entre as malhas do desvio: jovens, espaços, trajetórias e delinquência, Oeiras, Celta Editora.ISBN 972-774-166-5 FERNANDES, Luis (1998), O sitio das drogas, Lisboa, Noticias Editorial.972-46-0966-9 FERNANDES, Luis (2006), "O Medo a Cidade", Actas do Encontro Intervenção Social, Saberes e Contextos, Porto, Edições ESE Paula Frassinetti, pp. 99:110.ISBN 972-99174-3-4 PAUGAM, Serge (2003), A Desqualificação Social. Ensaio sobre a nova pobreza, Porto, Porto Editora.ISBN 972-0-34856-9 PIMENTEL, Alberto Manuel Ferreira (2001), Acão Social na Reinserção Social, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta.ISBN 972-674-331-1