Oficina de Expressão Artística e Artesanal

Teacher Responsible: Sandra Mónica Figueiredo de Oliveira
2º Ano | 2º Semestre
Learning objectives
1º Characterize and identify different Artistic and Handcrafted manifestations in its historical and socio-cultural context; 2º Understand the importance of arts and craft expressions in socio educational process; 3º Identify the different artistic areas and fits in the educational and social activity; 4º Plan and produce art and craft in two and three dimensional technique

1. Art and aesthetics 1.1 The Importance of Visual Arts and art craft expression in human history. 1.2 Interpretation and understanding of works of art / craft: concepts and terminology of Visual Arts. 1.3 The Visual Arts and crafts in contemporary culture 2. Visual Communication and artistic education 2.1 Elements in visual communication. 2.2 Principles and Purposes of Arts Education. 2.3 Strategies and planning art activities 3. Production and arts and crafts creation 3.1 Forms and modes of representation. 3.2 Materials, tools and media. 3.3 Techniques of two- and three-dimensional expression. 3.4 Understanding and representation of the plastic image.

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

Theoretical and practical lessons which uses a combination of active and expository method using diverse strategies including: exposure of content, discussions, viewing and discussion of works of plastic arts, films about artists and their work process. Practical work workshop for experimentation of techniques and working methods will be performed. Participation in discussions during class (20% of final assessment). Theoretical and practical work (60% of final assessment) Oral presentation (20% of final assessment). Will be presented during the different classes issues related to Arts Education which will be discussed with students. These will undertake a practical theoretical work consists of a set of exercises in the area of artistic expression aimed at different age groups. To end students will orally present their work to the class.

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

ACASO, María, (2009), La educación artística no son manualidades - Nuevas prácticas en la enseñanza de las artes y la cultura visual. Madrid: Catarata. ISBN:978-84-8319-413-3. HERNÁNDEZ, Fernando, (2007), Espigador@as de la cultura visual. Otra narrativa para la educación de las artes visuales, Barcelona: Octaedro. ISBN: 978-84-8063-887-6 WALKER, John, CHAPLIN, Sarah, (2002), Una introducción a la cultura visual. Barcelona: Octaedro-EUB. ISBN: 84-8063-542-8