Estágio Profissional

Teacher Responsible: Florbela Maria da Silva Samagaio Gandra
3º Ano | 2º Semestre
Learning objectives
Apply knowledges acquired throughout training Conceive, plan, and develop social and educational intervention projects Evaluate, in every dimension, results of conception, planning and social and educational intevrention Apply strategies that enable an adequate practice to groups and institutions Establish a theoretical-practical connection of a reflected action Respond positively to the prameters of the Social Educator profile Discover the potentialitiesof the practice of Social Education Discover personal abilities that enhance a professional profile in permanent construction and enrichment Acquire professional experience Identify and diagnose as a Social Educator, spaces for social and educational intervention in contemporary society Plann, implement and evaluate social intervention projects Use different means and resources for social intervention

Supervision and tutorial time to the professional internship. This supervision is made, on a weekly basis, with all groups of students and their supervisors. Reflections are made on conception, planning and developing of social intervention projects. Intervention methodologies, namely their strategies, resources and evaluation are a central concern to optimize the results from intervention. Some of the sessions are destined to work specific themes that supervision groups of students find needed and adequate to their practice. From the contents some sessions are also destined for groups to share the stages of the internship, by promoting a critical discussion of the proposals. The final Report on the internship and the internship dossier have specific sessions in the classroom with the group of students.

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

The students should carry out individual and group work in the scope of the application of instruments of information collection, conception, planning, implementation and evaluation of socio-educational intervention projects. It is safeguarded that the evaluation of the planning of the implemented activities should be elaborated individually. Students will take the internship report individually, which should be fundamentally reflective. Internship report: 30% Guidance and supervisor evaluation sheets 20% each one (40%) Dossier of Internship 15% Presentation and defense of the intervention project 15%

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

BAPTISTA, Isabel; CARVALHO, Adalberto Dias de (2002), Educação Social, Fundamentos e Estratégias, Porto, Porto Editora.ISBN 972-0-34851-8 CARVALHO, Adalberto Dias de (1992), A educação como projecto antropológico, Porto: Edições Afrontamento.ISBN 972-36-0293-8 CARVALHO, Adalberto Dias de (2000), A educação e os limites dos direitos humanos: ensaios de filosofia da educação, Porto, Porto Editora. ISBN 972-0-34096-7 CAPUL, Maurice, LEMAY, Michel (2003), Da Educação à Intervenção Social, 1º vol. , Porto, Porto Editora.ISBN 972-0-34852-6 CAPUL, Maurice, LEMAY, Michel (2003), Da Educação à Intervenção Social, 2º vol. , Porto, Porto Editora.ISBN 972-0-34853-4 GUERRA, Isabel (2002), Fundamentos e processos de uma sociologia de acção: o planeamento em Ciências Sociais, 2ª ed., S. João do Estoril, Principia. ISBN 972-8500-85-8 PEREZ SERRANO, Glória (2003), Pedagogia Social, educación social: construcción científica e intervención práctica, Madrid, Narcea.ISBN 84-277-1041-0