Populações em Risco e Intervenção Educativa

Teacher Responsible: Florbela Maria da Silva Samagaio Gandra
2º Ano | 1º Semestre
Learning objectives
1. To analise and reflect upon the problematic under analysis and to build new imaginaries, using value schemes and thought systems that enable positive interactions with the populations under scrutiny; 2. To develop preventive, support and following actions for populations at risk; 3. To communicate with several social groups in order to understand the meanings them and the "others" attribute to the problems under analysis; 4. To justify in a socio-educational perspective the interventions directed at the different social groups, 5. To know and apply the different instruments and methodologies regarding socio-educational intervention.

1. (De)construct the notion of risk: from the social problem to risk populations 1.1 Risk Societies / Uncertainty Societies 1.2 From the notion of social problem to the notion of sociological problem 1.3 The characteristics of social problems 1.4 Main theoretical and explanatory theories about social problems 1.5 From the notion of social problem to the notion of population at risk 2. Globalisations and contributions to a (new) notion of risk 3. Populations at risk (specific categories) 3.1 poor and excluded:the conceptual frontiers 3.2 immigrants 3.3 homeless 3.4 handicapped 3.5 addicts 3.6 victims of violence and abuse 3.6.1 women 3.6.2 children 3.6.3 elderlies 4. Educational intervention in risk contexts 4.1 Social project work 4.2 Risk behaviours prevention 4.3 Social intervention with specific groups 4.4 Social reintegration

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

This curricular unit will be evaluated through a Socio-Educational Intervention project report in a context of risk that will be develop in a group (60% of the final grade with the possibility of individual differentiation) and through a written individual reflection about the conceptualisation of the project and the proposed evaluation of it (30%), as well as through the interventional posture assumed by the student in the learning environment (10%).

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

ALMEIDA, Ana N. et all (2001), Famílias e Maus Tratos, Lisboa, Assembleia da República. ISBN:972-556-289-5 BAUMAN, Zygmunt (2004), Amor Líquido. Sobre a Fragilidade dos Laços Humanos, Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar Editor (1ª edição em inglês:2003). ISBN 978-85-7110-795-3 BENTO, A.; BARRETO, E. (2002), Sem Amor. Sem abrigo, Lisboa, Climepsi Editores. ISBN 972-796-070-7 CAPUCHA, L. (2005), Desafios da Pobreza. Lisboa: Celta Editora.ISBN972-774-215-7. CAPUCHA, L. (2008), Planeamento e Avaliação de Projectos: Guião Prático, Lisboa, DGIDC. ISBN 978-972-742-285-2 CAPUL, Maurice; LEMAY Michel (2003), Da Educação à Intervenção Social, Colecção Educação e Trabalho Social, Porto, Porto Editora. ISBN:972-0-34852-6 CARMO, Hermano (coord.) (2001), Problemas Sociais Contemporâneos, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta. ISBN:972-674-347-8 FERNANDES, A. (2006), Monotonia Democrática e Diluição das Regulações Sociais, S. M. da Feira, Edições Afrontamento. ISBN 978-972-36-0830-4