Pedagogia Social

Teacher Responsible: José Luís de Almeida Gonçalves
1º Ano | 1º Semestre
Learning objectives
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit In the cognitive dimension (namely): -Learn about origins/foundations of Social Pedagogy as a science and its fields of action -Know the origins/foundations of Social Education as Praxeology of the human being and its dilemmas -Know and have a relevant opinion and a critical analysis on the contemporary themes/issues of Social Ped. and Social Ed. In the instrumental dimension (namely): -Establish critic relations of complementarity/distinction between the Social Ped. and Ed. -be able to design intervention practices in Social Ed. with scientific basis in Social Ped. -Communicate the challenges facing the build of his professional identity In the attitudinal dimension (be): -Actively participate and cooperate with peers in the construction of a solidary knowledge -Submit the required work within the specified time limits and with the expected quality -Express, by dialog and within the human relations ethics, a frame of values compatible with the

1 - Education, human development and solidarity citizenship: the education and social work as phenomena socio-anthropological correlated 2 - The construction of Social Pedagogy: origins and historical evolution 3 - Social Pedagogy: object of study and methods 4 - Epistemological specificities of Social Pedagogy as professional knowledge matrix 5 - Issues in contemporary societies and the emergence of Social Education 6 - Social Education: anthropological status, domain and hermeneutics of borderline situations 7 - Social Educators as professionals of the human condition: a professional identity under construction 8 - Social Pedagogy and Social Education: anthropology-socio-educational intersections 9 - Areas of action and research in Social Education 10 - Areas of intervention of Social Education

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

We consider as fundamental the development of a teaching/learning process based on student's autonomy of research, in cooperative work and in contact with the educational reality, including through study visits. The active and diversified methodologies are designed to provide the student with the ability to take ownership of concepts and analyse significant information, individually and as a group. For such, the student will hold documentary analysis, take part in debates from cases/themes, dialogue critically about theoretical-practical problematic raised and will test his knowledge in due assessment time, obtaining feedback. Evaluation and weighting: Participation: quality of interventions and completion of autonomous work = 20% Written test: assessment of scientific knowledge, critical thinking, correction of the written test and be able to synthesise = 50% Oral presentation in class of a summary of indicated bibliography = 30%

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

Coleção «Educação e Trabalho Social». Porto: Porto Editora ( Carvalho, Adalberto D.; Baptista, Isabel (2004). Educação Social, Fundamentos e estratégias. Porto: Porto Editora ISBN :972-0-34851-8. Carreras, Juan Sáez; Molina, José G. ( 2006). Pedagogia Social. Pensar la Educatión Social como profesión. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, S.A. ISBN: 84-206-4820-5 Fermoso, Paciano (1994). Pedagogía Social - Fundamentación Científica. Barcelona: Herder. ISBN 84-254-1864-X Petrus, António (coord.) (2007). Pedagogia Social. Barcelona: Editorial Ariel, S. A. ISBN 84-344-2609-9 Revista «Cadernos de Pedagogia Social». Universidade Católica do Porto. ISSN 1646-7280. ( Revista «Pedagogía social. Revista interuniversitaria». ISSN: 1139-1723. ( Serrano, Glória Pérez (2004). Pedagogia Social, Educación Social. Construcción científica e intervención práctica, Madrid, Narcea, S. A. De Ediciones ISBN:84-277-1440-8