Sociologia e Educação não Formal

Teacher Responsible: Florbela Maria da Silva Samagaio Gandra
1º Ano | 1º Semestre
Learning objectives
1. To mobilise indispensable scientific knowledge regarding social intervention; 2. To develop a critical and reflexive thinking regarding the social phenomena, namely those that take place in contexts of poverty and social exclusion; 3. To depict the Portuguese modern society in its economical, social, educational political and international dimensions; 4. To explain the constructivist posture of the individual in the society through the process of socialisation; 5. To identify and characterise spaces and contexts of Non-Formal Education in the contemporary society; 6. To place in terms of contextual coordinates an socio-educational intervention.

1. Portraits of the Portuguese Life: the main changes in the Portuguese society 1960-2010 Demographic indicators Key economic indicators Social indicators (education, employment and work conditions, health, social security, . . . ) Literacy in Portugal Immigrants and ethnical minorities Ways of life and new ways of life 2. Poverty and social exclusions 3. Basic notions of Sociology 4. Socialisation and the social construction of reality 5. The family constellations of contemporary society 6. The media and the mediatisation of life 7. Formal Education, Informal Education and Non Formal Education

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

Group work 40%; individual exam 40%; individual reflection 20%. Content exposition (orally, recurring to new technologies, thematic films, etc.) - debate of ideas - document analysis - individual work - group work - tutorial work - visiting a non formal education

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

BARRETO, António (org.) (1997), A Situação Social em Portugal, 1960 - 1995, Lisboa, ICS. ISBN972-671-043-X. BARRETO, António (2002), Tempo de Incerteza, Lisboa, Relógio D'Água. Depósito legal nº 187495/02. BERGER, Peter; LUCKMANN, Thomas (1997), A Construção Social da Realidade, Petrópolis, Vozes. ISBN 85.326.0598-2 BARAIBAR LOPEZ; José Manuel (2003), La construcción de procesos formativos en educación no formal, Madrid, nancea Ediciones. COSTA, Alfredo Bruto da (1998), Exclusões Sociais, Lisboa, Gradiva. ISBN972-662-612-9. DUBAR, Claude (1996), La Socialisation, Paris, Armand Colin. ISBN 2-200-01485-6. TOWNSEND, P., Gordon, D., (2000). Breadline Europe: The measurement of poverty. London: The Policy Press.ISBN1-86134-292-6. SARACENO, C. & Naldini, M. (2003). Sociologia da Família. Lisboa: Editorial Estampa.ISBN9789723319064. COOMBS, P. H. (1985). La Crisis Mundial en La Educación, Perspectivas Actuales. Madrid: Santillana.ISBN8429423648