Pensamento Educacional Contemporâneo

Teacher Responsible:
1º Ano | 1º Semestre
Learning objectives
Reflect on educational phenomena, mobilizing diverse epistemological frameworks Problematize current educational themes, translating them into research problems Build an open and critical frame of reference on contemporary education and society Construe contemporary society in its social, cultural, educational, political, artistic and economic dynamisms Development of a transformative educational practice based on the references and practices of multiple knowledge.

1. Contemporary educational time (s), space (s) and thought (s) 2. Education and Contemporary Society: main indicators for the characterization of contemporary portuguese society 3. Education, Equity and Inclusiveness 4. Artistic Education as a reflection of contemporary culture 5. Health, sustainable development and pedagogy 6. Emancipatory educational praxis and articulation of knowledge (s)

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

A set of texts and other pedagogical resources will be provided for the student to analyze, discuss and draw conclusions about contemporary educational thinking. The student or teacher will be responsible for the final synthesis of the themes under study and discussion. All work will be enriched by the search for bibliography and study achieved in the student's autonomous work. There is an investment in the development of a research methodology that promotes the questioning, the search for documentary information and the help in the work to develop in small or large groups, as well as the creation of a favorable environment for open class discussions. favoring learning for both those who listen and those who express their points of view by embracing the diversity of opinions. 30% individual reflection; 70% Presentation of a group work.

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

Barreto, A. (2017). De Portugal para a Europa, Lisboa: Relógio d'Água Gonçalves, D. & Silva, C. V.(2019).Teacher training and professional identity:the contribution of collaborative work in education.Profesorado:Revista de Currículum y Formación del Profesorado, 23(2), 359-376. Jarvis, P. (2001). The age of learning:Education and the knowledge society. Londres: Kogan Page. Lopéz, J. L. (2012). Facilitadores de la inclusión. Revista Educación Inclusiva, 5(1),175-187. Oliveira, M. (2017). A Educação Artística no trilho de uma nova Cidadania. Revista de Estudos e Investigación en Psicología y Educacíon. v. Extr., n. 06 pp. 11-15 Rodrigues, D. (org.) (2003). Perspetivas sobre a inclusão. Da educação à sociedade. Porto:Porto Editora. Vitón de Antonio, M. J.(2017)Desarrollo de habilidades para una vida excelente personal y socio-profesional. Buenas praxis y diálogo intercultural de prácticas, saberes y conocimientos. Dedica.Revista de Educação e Humanidades,12, 101-118.