Autonomia e Participação da Comunidade Educativa

Teacher Responsible:
1º Ano | 2º Semestre
Learning objectives
a) Understand the political, anthropological and axiological foundations of education b) Understand the current public education policies and know how to handle normative reference instruments applied to curriculum autonomy and flexibility c) Recognize the central role of children/student in school participation and citizenship building d) Identify the co-responsibility of several actors in building the autonomy / participation of the educational community. e) Know innovation plans and their curricular options and other pedagogical, didactic and organizational measures f) Know the socio-communitarian dynamics of the ongoing education in the territory

1. Education: public good, fundamental right, duty of implication: 1.1. From the ethical imperative of the right to learn to normative reference instruments (Student Profile on Leaving Compulsory Education; Essential Learning; National Citizenship Education Strategy) 1.2. The socio-community regulation of education and the meaning of the construction of school as an educational community 1.3. Autonomy: concept evolution, legal framework and curriculum challenges 1.4. Participation: role of stakeholders and the choice for Child Citizenship through Children's/student's Participation 1.5. Trust and wise cooperation between partners: the relationship between School, Families, Communities 2. Projects and practices of autonomy and participation of the educational community: 2.1. Projects of curricular autonomy in schools 2.2. Collaborative ecosystems promoting transformative Learning

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

Active learning strategies will be used based on critical analysis of reference texts (T) and guided discussion of curriculum innovation plans (TP), providing, in point 2, seminars (S) with guests presenting best practices and ongoing projects. Evaluation will be cumulative: a) by qualified and constructive participation in the discussion of cases and texts (20%), as well as an individual written work (80%) containing a multidimensional analysis of a curriculum innovation plan that integrates actors, territory and other pedagogical, didactic and organizational measures.

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

Azevedo, J. (2011). Liberdade e Política Pública de Educação. Ensaio sobre um novo compromisso social pela educação. Ed. Fundação Manuel Leão. Cohen, A. C.; Fradique, J. (2018). Guia da Autonomia e Flexibilidade Curricular. Raiz Editora/Lisboa Editora. Direção-Geral da Educação: Perfil dos Alunos à Saída da Escolaridade Obrigatória; Aprendizagens Essenciais; Estratégia Nacional de Educação para a Cidadania LIMA, L. (2009). A Democratização do governo das escolas públicas em Portugal. Revista de Sociologia daFLUP da UPorto,19, 227-253) Direção-Geral da Educação: OECD-project/about/documents/Curriculum-Flexibility-and-Autonomy-in-Portugal-an-OECD-Review.pdf The governance of school education systems - In