Neurociências e Educação

Teacher Responsible:
1º Ano | 1º Semestre
Learning objectives
Understand the major contributions of neuroscience to education and learning Present interdisciplinary proposals between neuroscience and education for new active learning challenges Rethink what is taught, how it is taught, and how learning is evaluated. Apply the new contributions of the "social brain"

1. Neurosciences and their contribution to education 1.1. The maturation, growth and development of the nervous system 1.2. Concentration and attention as essential skills for learning mediated by neuroplasticity 1.3. The "social" brain. The neuro-learning method: hyperconnects and acceleration. 2. The neuroimagiology of socio-cognitive functioning 2.1. The implications for normative neurodevelopment 3. Early education and neurosciences. 3.1. The critical periods in childhood and the achievement map 3.2. Neuroimaging in the study of brain maturation processes and the relationship with socio-cognitive development. 4. Self-realization, knowledge-building patterns and neuroplasticity 5. Emotion as a Motivation Factor. The Impact of Mindfulness 6. The neuroethical experience

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

Teaching methods will be predominantly expository in lectures, with approach and framing of the different concepts.. The practical classes will be aimed at problem solving under the guidance of the teacher. As for the theoretical exposition, a strong interaction between the concepts and their concrete application will prevail. The transformation of concepts into work tools will be achieved by encouraging personal work. The teaching of the curricular unit is complemented by the student attendance periods.Assessment: individual written work on the contributions of neuroscience to education (50%); mock presentation of group work on creating an innovative curriculum for "new brains" (50%)

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

Cosenza, R. (Autor), Guerra L. (2011). Neurociência e educação: Como o cérebro aprende, Porto Alegre:Artmed Editora Kerlchtermans, G. (2009). O comprometimento profissional para além do contrato: Autocompreensão, vulnerabilidade e reflexão dos professores. In Flores, Simão e Veiga, Aprendizagem e desenvolvimento profissional de Professores: Contextos e Perspectivas. Mangualde: Edições Pedago. (61-98). Queiroz , J. (2018). Neuroaprendizagem. Fundamentos Neurocientíficos da Instrução e do Aprendizado. Lisboa: Clube de autores Mora, F. (2015). Neuroeducación. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. Relvas, M. (2010). Neurociência e educação - Potencialidades dos géneros humanos na sala de aula. 2.ed. Editora WAK. Sala, S. D. e Anderson, M. (2012). Neuroscience in Education. Oxford: Oxford University. Sousa, D. A. (2014). Neurociencia educativa. Mente, cerebro y educación. Madrid: Narcea.