Tecnologia e Comunicação Aumentativa e Alternativa

Teacher Responsible:
1º Ano | 2º Semestre
Learning objectives
-Know inclusive technology resources -Select technology and communication resources according to the child's needs -Use technological and communication resources according to the objectives defined by the professional for the intervention. -Create critical, creative and inclusive sense about technology and communication resources

1. Reasearch in Technology Education; 2. Programmable toy and the robotics: resources and potential; 3. Open, flexible and inclusive resources; 4. Self-regulation and dispersion; 5. Learning Support Centers; 6. Disturbance of communicative competence: causes and consequences; 7. Augmentative and Alternative Communication: definition; 7.1. SAAC's: with or without help; 7.2. Communication Support Technologies: low and high technology; 7.3. Assessment Process: methods and skills assessement in the use of a SAAC; 7.4. Teaching strategies of a SAAC; 7.5. Parent's role / caregivers as facilitators using SAACs; 8. Importance of context adaptation and pedagogical activities.

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

Methodologies used aim to enhance the in-depth individual reflection upon subjets, making connections between students personal and professional background, their experiences in the educational field and expectations for the future. It is intended to have time for group reflection. The distribution of sessions hours reflects the investment on constructive assessment involving either teachers or students. Taking into account that this unit provides contact with effective resources, it is expected that students will experience the use of resources in practice. Assessment will be continuous and results from the constant student's monitoring. Students will have two specific periods to share developed projects: one intermediate and one final. Assessment proposal is also based on a collaborative work between teachers. The work done by each student will be worth 100%.

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

Heredero, E. S. (2014). Tecnologías de la información y comunicación TIC en educación especia. Madrid: UAH. Hill, B. A. (2014). Breaking Through: Using Educational Technology for Children with Special Needs. Nova Iorque: Square One Publishers. Nuttall, J. R., Nuttall, L. (2013). Dyslexia and the iPad: Overcoming Dyslexia with Technology. Edição Amazon. Beukelman, D., Mirenda P.,Garrett, K.,& Light, J.(2013).Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Supporting Children and Adults with Complex Communication Needs. Baltimore:Paul Pub. Pinheiro, A. (2012). Cruzar Educadores na Internet. Porto Livpsic.