Metodologias do Ensino da Matemática para o 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico

Teacher Responsible: Rui João Teles da Silva Ramalho
1º Ano | 1º Semestre
Learning objectives
Characterize theoretical and methodological research frameworks in Didactics of mathematics Identify the elementary mathematical concepts susceptible of being learned by children primary school education context. Characterize different representations of mathematical knowledge to work in primary school education contexts: numerical, geometrical, measurements and organization and data representation. Analyze mathematical situations and activities adequate for learning concepts Propose different pedagogical strategies in order explore concepts and develop logical-mathematical activities Explore ICT applied to mathematics primary school contexts Develop critical analysis, innovation, pedagogical research and reflection on the practice Apply adequate vocabulary in describing situations Critically support options.

1.Educational Knowledge Models teacher 2. Theoretical framework TPACK (Technological, Pedagogical Content Knowledge) 3. Mathematics in primary-school education ? aims and objectives 4. Content domains 4.1. Numbers and operations 4.2. Geometry and measure 4.3. Data organization and treatment 5. Structured and non-structured didactical materials in Mathematics in primary school education contexts 6. Operate software for Mathematical teaching/learning

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

The curricular unit is structured in theoretical, theoretical-practical and pratical lessons and tutorial orientation, based on active methodologies. It will be use methodologies such as: exposure, debate, document analysis, group work and problem solving. The work to be carried out by the students will be based on the learning objectives and results achieved and verified through the following forms of assessment and weighting: 1 individual work (50%) +1 group work (50%) Assessment of Scientific knowledge will be based on the performance of each student evidenced in the individual work, complemented by a set of questions to be posed by the teacher in the presentation and discussion of the work. In group work students will have to build a didactic sequence respecting the program and goals defined for Mathematics 1 CEB, integrating updated didactic perspectives and incorporating the use of educational resources.

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

GODINO, J. D. (Dir)(2004). Didatica de las Matematicas para Maestros. Departamento de Didactica de las Matematicas: Universidad de Granada. ISBN 84-933517-1-7 HARRIS, J. (2008). TPACK in in-service education: Assisting experienced teachers? planned improvisations. In AACTE Committee on Innovation and Technology (Ed.),Handbook of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) for educators (pp. 251?271). New York: Routled MENDES, M.F. , DELGADO, C. (2008). Geometria. Lisboa: Ministério da Educação. ISBN: 978-972-742-277-7 NCTM (2007). Princípios e normas para a educação matemática. Lisboa: APM. ISBN: 978-972-8768-24-9 PALHARES, P. (ed.) (2004). Elementos de Matemática para Professores do Ensino Básico. Lisboa: Lidel. ISBN: 978-972-757-280-9 PALHARES, P et al (2011). Complementos de Matemática para Professores do Ensino Básico. Lisboa: Lidel ISBN 978-972-757-757-6. SERRAZINA, L., PONTE, J.P. (2000). Didactica da matematica do 1º ciclo. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta. ISBN: 972-674-313-