Metodologias do Ensino das Ciências Naturais para o 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico

Teacher Responsible: Daniela Alexandra Ramos Gonçalves
2º Ano | 1º Semestre
Learning objectives
Understanding curricular management and organization in educational institutions Characterize main presuppositions of the pedagogical relation, recognizing the role of the role of each participant Identify forms of organizing space, groups and time that promote learning Implement interventions in physics and natural science in 2nd Basic School Know how to plan in physics and natural science in the 2nd BS related to different levels of the curriculum intervention Analyze different educational situations, explaining the interdisciplinary dimension Discuss approaches of the physics and natural sciences to the success of the students of the 2nd BS Justify technical and methodological options in educational intervention in sciences in 2.ºBS Building observation instruments, planning and evaluation in science education Demonstrate knowledge on different methodologies in science education in 2.ºBS

1. Curricular organization and management for 2nd Basic School 1.1. Legal Norms 2. The profile of teachers of the 2nd Basic School Education 2.1. Teacher's profession and educational intentionality 3. The fundamentals to educational practices 3.1. Constructivism in science education in 2.ºBS 3.2. Learning and Teaching by objectives and competences 3.3. Pedagogical methods and strategies 3.4. CTSA model (science, technology, society and environment) of science education in the 2nd BS 3.5. The experimental teaching of science - concept and practice 4. From fundamentals to planning practices 4.1. From planning to learning situations in science in 2.ºBS 4.2. Modality of evaluation 4.3. Evaluation instruments

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

With diverse methodologies it is expected that students have an active and critical role and develop autonomy in work and research. In theoretical sessions teachers expose concepts using practical cases and demonstrations promoting an ongoing debate between groups of students. In theoretical- practical sessions students present a specific theme from the group work they have made in the autonomous work time. In these sessions practical cases from the placement experiences are presented and discussed. Alongside these moments students have the opportunity to learn with professionals during seminars the drawing of a personalized training path in tutorial orientation sessions. In laboratory practice classes students will have the opportunity to experience moments of learning to be able to plan similar activities to the context of the 2nd BS. Individual work: 60% Group work: 40%

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

Barreira, A.; Moreira, M. (2004): Pedagogia das Competências, da teoria à prática. Porto: Asa Editores, S.A.ISBN 972-41-3999-9 Cardoso, J.R. (2013). O Professor do Futuro. Lisboa: Guerra e Paz. ISBN: 978-989-702-080-3 COLL, C. et all (2001): O construtivismo na sala de aula. Novas perspectivas para a acção pedagógica. Grafiasa: Asa Editores II, S.A. ISBN 972-41-2513-0 Fernandes, I., Pires, D. & Villamañán, R. (2013). Educação em ciências com orientação CTSA. N.º extra de Enseñanza de las Ciencias, pp. 459-462. Gonçalves, D., & Quinta e Costa, M. (2015). Promocão de uma postura científica na formação de professores: estudo exploratório com futuros professores do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Revista de Estudios e Investigación em Psicología e Educación (6) 190-196 Helen Ward. (2010). Ensino de Ciências. Porto Alegre: Artmed. ISBN 978-85-363-2173-8 Klahr , et al (2011). O valor do ensino experimental. Porto: Porto Editora. ISBN 9789720349354