Didática das Expressões Artísticas

Teacher Responsible: Sandra Mónica Figueiredo de Oliveira
1º Ano | 2º Semestre
Learning objectives
Know the main pedagogical guidelines for intervention of different artistic expressions (Plástic, musical, dramatic and dance) Know different didactic models and ways of implementation of this area of knowledge in the context of basic education; Identify the importance of art education for the development of aesthetic sensitivity on the first Cycle of basic education. Understand the art education as an instrument of educational intervention for the development of specific and transversal competences. Reflect about the multiple uses of different artistic expressions in an educational context. Mobilize the technical, expressive and sensitive aspects of different materials, formats and instruments for the execution of an art education project. Designing work planning for art education in the first cycle of basic education.

1.Art Education -Guidelines of Art Education in the 1st cycle BasicEducation -Art education as a tool for the development of specific/transversal skills 2.Specificity of artistic languages -Models of musical pedagogy,building activities in accordance with proposals of Dalcroze,Orff and Schafer -The relationship between music and movement in the development of children's expression and communication skills:theoretical exploration/practical experimentation -Improvisation and vocal exploration -Dramatic play in teaching context -Plastic expression and creative process:elements of communication and visual form -Graphic representation:techniques and materials -Didactic-pedagogical approach to creative dance -Know and experience the elements of dance through the knowledge of the body 3.Artistic and pedagogical intervention -Designing work planning for art education:Conceptualization and implementation of interdisciplinary projects -Art education:forms and artistic models of representation

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

The curricular unit is structured in TP and PL lessons and tutorial orientation, based on active methodologies, using different strategies such us lectures, debates, films visualization, practical experimentation of techniques and working methods. The students work will have, as a reference, objectives and learning outcomes achieved and verified through the following evaluation form: Elaboration of a theoretical practical interdisciplinary group work focused on performing an intervention proposal that, based in a theme-generator, explores its potential as a research and educational intervention tool whose artistic and pedagogical knowledge can be useful for PES. This work has a weight of 100% (25% for each artistic area). The final classification is the result of the simple arithmetic mean of the different evaluations.

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

Bachmann, M. (1998). La Ritmica Jaques-Dalcroze: una Educación por la Música y para la Música. Madrid: Ed. Pirámide Cortesão, I. (2014). A magia dos sons: a descoberta do ambiente sonoro como instrumento de intervenção educativa.In Trevisan, G. et al (2014) (Eds.). Direitos da Criança: Realidades e Desafios do Caso Português. U.M: Instituto de Educação Freedman, K. (2006). Enseñar la Cultura visual - Currículum, estética y la vida social del arte. Barcelona: Octaedro Landier, J. & Barret, G (1999). Expressão Dramática e Teatro. Porto: ASA Marques, I. (2010).Linguagem da dança: Arte e Ensino. S. Paulo: Digitexto. Oliveira, M. (2015). A Arte Contemporânea para uma Pedagogia Crítica. Porto: Associação de Professores de Expressão e Comunicação Visual Oliveira, M. & Silva, B. (2013). Una Imagen sobre la Educación Artística en la actualidad, European Review of Artistic studies, vol. 4, n. 1, pp. 54-75 Sousa, M. (2000). Metodologias do Ensino da Música para Crianças. V. N. Gaia: Gailivro