Temas da História da Matemática

Teacher Responsible: Isabel Cláudia Nogueira da Silva Araújo Nogueira
1º Ano | 2º Semestre
Learning objectives
Recognise the historical sense of Mathematics as a Science Understand Mathematics as a human social construction and as a cumulation, continuity or rupture of paradigms Integrate Matehmatics in human life throughout historical times Recognise opportunities and tools in Mathematics in order to transform social and cultural enviroments Relate historical times of Mathematics History with Mandkind evolution

1. Mathematics nature and timeline 2. History Themes: 2.1. Number and Numeration Systems 2.2 Geometry and Measure 2.3 Algebra 2.4. Statistics and Probabilities 3. Themes of History of Mathematics in Portugal

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

The curricular unit is structured in theoretical, theoretical-practical lessons and tutorial orientation, based on active methodologies. It will be use the folowing strategies and resources: exposure, debate, document analysis, indiivdual and presentation on group. Evaluation forms and weighting: individual research assignment with presentation in the classroom (100%) Students will conduct a research work about a mathematical theme. That research will reflect aspects and features of that theme in History of Mathematics and, simultaneously, it should highlight the possibilities to incorporate it in pedagogical proposals suitable to this specific teaching domain.

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

BARTHELEMY, G.(2003). 2500. Anos de Matemática. Lisboa: instituto Piaget. ISBN 972-771-683-0 CARACA, B. J. (1998). Conceitos Fundamentais da Matemática. Lisboa: Gradiva. ISBN 978-972-662-616-9 DEVLIN, K. (2005). Os Problemas do Milénio. Lisboa: Gradiva. ISBN 978-989-616-245-0 ESTRADA, M. F. , SA, C.C. (2000). História da Matemática. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta. ISBN 978-972-6743-156 OLIVEIRA, J.T. (1989). O essencial sobre a Historia das Matemáticas em Portugal. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda. SILVA, J.S. (2000). A Matemática na Antiguidade. Lisboa: SPM. ISBN 972-986-560-4 STRUIK, D. L. (1992). Historia concisa das Matemáticas. Lisboa: Gradiva. ISBN 978-972-662-251-2 TAHAN, M. (2001). O Homem que sabia contar. Lisboa: Presença. ISBN 978-972-232-780-0