Didática das Ciências Naturais

Teacher Responsible: Margarida Maria Martins da Quinta e Costa
1º Ano | 1º Semestre
Learning objectives
Understand main concepts and fundamental knowledge for the teaching of natural sciences in the 1st CEB. Critically analyze pedagogical practices of the Natural Sciences Select motivational strategies of approach of Natural Sciences Propose technological and teaching resources in the context of the 1st CEB. Draw experimental activities as an educational resource in a globalizing practice Adequate educational proposals to diverse school populations Develop the research skills which meet the requirements of the teaching-learning process.

1. Teaching methodologies of Natural Sciences 2. The experimental component of Science 3. Analysis of the Natural Science contents in the 1st CEB 4. Adequacy of strategies and methods to Science teaching and to the learning process of children of different age groups

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

The curricular unit is structured in theoretical, theoretical-practical, PL, TC lessons and tutorial orientation, based on active methodologies with the analysis and discussion of scientific papers, pedagogical materials and teaching proposals in the Natural Sciences on the 1st CEB. In the theorical lessons we will have the study of concepts allways with the active participation of students and experimentation of practical activities. In the PL and TC lessons the students are invited to design structured activities according to the 1st CEB programs with an interdisciplinary perspective. Students are individually assessed during the presentation and discussion of scientific papers (40%) and the submission of a didactic proposal and a technological or teaching resources for 1ºCEB (60%).

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

CACHAPUZ, A.F. et al. (2002). Ciência, educação em Ciência e ensino das Ciências. Lisboa: ME ISBN 9727830838 MARTINS, I. P. et al. (2007-2011). Coleção Explorando...guião didático para professores. Lisboa: DGIDC. ISBN 9727422411; 9789727422401; 9789727422647; 9789727422654; 9780727422647 QUINTA E COSTA, M. (2008). "Expectativas e Concretizações das Ciências Físicas e Naturais", Saber&Educar, 13, p125. QUINTA E COSTA, M. (2009). Contextos e Práticas - A experimentação acompanha o Currículo. Saber&Educar, p14. ISSN 1647-2144 QUINTA E COSTA, M. (2011). "Problématiser l'expérimentation dans le contexte éducatif", in Itinerários de Filosofia da Educação, nº10, p53. Porto: Ed. Afrontamento. ISSN 1646-1959. SÁ, J. e VARELA, P. (2004). Crianças aprendem a pensar Ciências. Porto: Porto Ed. ISBN 9720343117 VIEIRA, R. (2011). A Educação em Ciências com Orientação CTS - atividades para o ensino básico. Maia: Areal Editores. ISBN: 9789896473525