Metodologias de Ensino da História e Geografia de Portugal em 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico

Teacher Responsible:
2º Ano | 1º Semestre
Learning objectives
Acquire and develop knowledge of History and Geography of Portugal (in the 2nd cycle of basic education) teaching methods; Problematize, reflect and present a critical overview of the various historical and geographical phenomena; Research, collect, organize and analyze information to formulate / test hypotheses and present results; Plan several strategies and resources, according to an interdisciplinary perspective of History and Geography, based on the official curriculum and the development of 2nd cycle of basic education students; Know how to use graphic and cartographic techniques need for the adequate spatial representation and description of places at different scales; Use teaching resources, such as games, experiments, animations, study visits, photography and ICT/GIS in History and Geography teaching; Apply and develop appropriate pedagogical tools for scale and location analysis Understand the importance of colaborative work for educational intervention.

1 History of Portugal teaching: the issue of didactic transposition 2 History teaching methodology in the 2nd cycle of basic education 3 The role of the Geography teaching: from knowledge acquisition to training of scientific / critical spirit; 4 Geography of Portugal pedagogical praxis

Teaching methodologies (including evalution)

The curricular unit is structured in T, TP, TC lessons and tutorial orientation, based on active methodologies. In theorethical classes we seek to develop autonomous thinking. In practical classes we will promote practical exercices of designing 2nd second cycle of basic education activities, and students will contact with new tools, using ICT. Bibliography analysis helps to promote problematization skills and to develop critical and reflective competences.Teacher and students organize study visits. In tutorial sessions students will be guided to better perform their work. Evaluation: Individual work: written document that includes Geographic Information Technologies application (70%) Oral presentation (30%) The evaluation is based on two stages: presentation of an individual written application with the TIG; respective oral presentation.

Essential Bibliography (including ISBN)

ALMEIDA, A. (1998). Visitas de Estudo: concepções e eficácia na aprendizagem. Lisboa: Liv. Horizonte, 1998 ISBN 972-2410296 BARCA, I. (org.) (2001). Perspectivas em educação histórica. Braga: U.M.. ISBN 9728098960 COLL, C. et al (2001). O construtivismo na sala de aula. Porto: Ed. Asa. ISBN 9724125130 GERSMEHL, P. (2008). Teaching Geography, 2.a ed., The Guilford Press, New york. ISBN 9781593857158 MANIQUE, A. P:, PROENCA, M. C. (1994). Didactica da História - Património e História local. Lisboa: Texto Ed. ISBN 9724704963 MERENNE-SCHOUMAKER, B. (1999). Didáctica da Geografia. Porto: Ed. Asa. ISBN 9724119874 MOYLES, J. et al. (2011). Beginning Teaching, Beginning Learning. 4a ed. Londres: Open University Press. ISBN 9780335244126 PROENÇA, M. C. (1993). Didáctica da História. Porto: Univ. Aberta ISBN 9726740274 SOEIRO, R.: POEIRA, M. L. (1991). Didactica da Geografia. Lisboa: Univ. Aberta. ISBN9726740622